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What Is
Nutrition Coaching?

Coaching is meant to help individuals in the specific areas that they struggle most with nutrition. Coaching is customized to every client’s needs. Whether that be food prepping, portion sizes, food quality, emotional support or just straight accountability.

In my program we focus on long term habit building to create a sustainable lifestyle. I do this by making sure my clients understand:

  1. What macros are and how they are individualized for each person’s goals.
  2. What practices they need to put into place to build these habits.
  3. Mindful eating techniques.
  4. What foods are best to stay on track with their goals.
  5. Consistency is the key!
Ashley Jackman PN1 Certification
What is Nutrition Coaching?

What makes it different?

If you’ve tried many other nutrition programs that didn’t seem to work or you fell off the bandwagon, don’t blame yourself. The problem with these cookie cutter nutrition plans is that they are developed for the ‘average’ person. Whatever that means (insert eye-roll here). We are all unique individuals that live very different lifestyles, and that plays a huge factor not only in our nutrition goals, but also the steps we take to get there.

With coaching I provide my clients not only with custom nutritional guides and macros for their specific goals but also personal growth. With coaching I meet with my client once a week to discuss anything they might be struggling with and address any questions they might have. We discuss new practices they can put into place that will over time become healthy habits to maintain a sustainable lifestyle.

Who needs nutritional coaching?

Almost everyone could benefit from some type of nutrition coaching. However, it may not be ideal for everyone. You must be truly ready, willing and able to commit to the changes necessary to meet your goals.

The best candidates for nutritional coaching are:

  • Those who have tried many different nutrition plans and programs without much luck.

  • Those who need someone to hold them accountable.

  • Those who feel they need a lot of guidance.

  • Those who feel they are not very disciplined.

  • Those who want to learn healthy sustainable nutrition habits.

  • Those who have developed some recent health concerns and need to make some changes to their diet.

  • Those who are suffering from digestive disorders or autoimmune disorders.

Still not sure if Nutritional Coaching is right for you? I will gladly advise you personally and answer all your questions. Setup your free consultation today!